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Embroidering Stories

Tickets $260|RSVP

David Medalla’s artwork A Stitch in Time invites visitors to attach a keepsake or memorable item to the hanging fabric displayed at CHAT’s Arcade. During the course of the exhibition, the fabric will be transformed by public participation and become a testimony of a moment in time.

In this workshop, sustainable fashion advocate Toby Crispy will teach participants stitches which allow them to ‘draw with a needle’ or attach items to a pre-loved garment or fabric. Decorate a preloved garment (i.e.: a jacket, a pair of jeans, a shirt) with words or a small item (i.e.: a stone, a small toy, an odd earring whose pair got lost) and learn how to use decorative stitches to do it.

Upon registration participants will receive by post:
A piece of fabric , one embroidery hoop, a piece of embroidery backing material, colourful thread, two embroidery needles, a yarn threader.

Zoom meeting ID will be shared upon registration. Kindly download the Zoom app on your device prior to the workshop.









About the Collaborator

Toby Crispy

Founding Donor


Main Donor


Supported by