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Current & Upcoming



About Co-Learn

CHAT’s co-learning programmes involve communities from all walks of life, with the aim to promote engagements with textile sciences and arts, and encourage learning through thinking, discussing and doing. Our co-learning programmes fall into four categories:

Through CHAT’s collaborations with academic institutions, artist collectives, NGOs, artists and designers, visitors and programme participants are able to join in co-learning through CHAT’s workshops and related events.

Talks & Discussions
Each year, CHAT invites internationally renowned artists, designers, textile specialists, curators, scholars and cultural practitioners from a wide range of disciplines and expertise to Hong Kong as panelists of our talks and discussion forums, aiming to create a platform for exploring the potential of textile in arts and culture.

With the aim to establish CHAT in the community, particularly in Tsuen Wan, our neighbourhood, CHAT conducts various themed cultural tours in the district. During the tours participants will have the chance to visit landmarks that witnessed the changes in landscape and society of Tsuen Wan.

CHAT Lab, which is formed by a group of textile lovers, experienced sewing workers and textile craftsmen, offers a platform for new textile design ideas to form and flourish through their support for young designers and artists.